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AMBROSIA is one of the easiest, cheapest and tastiest desserts you can make and is perfect for an Afternoon Tea Party. Follow the recipe below and you will be sure to have a hit.



3 cans 15 oz. all natural fruit cocktail drained

1 16 oz. sour cream

2 ½ cups mini marshmallows

¾ cup shredded coconut

Serves 10


1.       Mix fruit and sour cream together.

2.       Next mix in ½ a cup of the shredded coconut. Set the rest aside.

3.       Gently fold in 2 cups of the mini marshmallows. Set the rest aside.

4.       Refrigerate until ready to serve.

5.       To serve, spoon into Margarita glasses. Top each serving with some marshmallows and coconut.